    Animated Card 3

    Animated Card 3

    An animated hover card that can showcase almost anything—it all comes down to the caption you choose.



    Install dependencies

    npm install

    npm install clsx tailwind-merge

    Add utils file


    import { ClassValue, clsx } from "clsx";
    import { twMerge } from "tailwind-merge";
    export function cn(...inputs: ClassValue[]) {
      return twMerge(clsx(inputs));

    Copy the animated-card Component


    import * as React from "react";
    import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
    interface CardProps extends React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> {}
    export function AnimatedCard({ className, ...props }: CardProps) {
      return (
            "rounded-lg relative overflow-hidden w-[356px] group/animated-card border dark:border-zinc-800 border-zinc-200 dark:bg-black bg-white shadow-sm",
    export function CardDetails({ className, ...props }: CardProps) {
      return (
            "flex flex-col space-y-1.5 p-4 border-t dark:border-zinc-800 border-zinc-200",
    interface CardTitleProps extends React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement> {}
    export function CardTitle({ className, ...props }: CardTitleProps) {
      return (
            "text-xl dark:text-white text-black font-semibold leading-none tracking-tight",
    interface CardDescriptionProps extends React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLParagraphElement> {}
    export function CardDescription({ className, ...props }: CardDescriptionProps) {
      return (
            "text-sm text-neutral-500 dark:text-neutral-400",
    export function CardVisual({ className, ...props }: CardProps) {
      return (
          className={cn("p-0 overflow-hidden w-full", className)}

    Copy the source code


    "use client";
    import * as React from "react";
    import { useState } from "react";
    interface Visual3Props {
      mainColor?: string;
      secondaryColor?: string;
      gridColor?: string;
    export default function Visual3({
      mainColor = "#8b5cf6",
      secondaryColor = "#fbbf24",
      gridColor = "#80808025",
    }: Visual3Props) {
      const [hovered, setHovered] = useState(false);
      return (
            className="inset-0 absolute z-20"
            onMouseEnter={() => setHovered(true)}
            onMouseLeave={() => setHovered(false)}
            style={{ "--color": mainColor, "--secondary-color": secondaryColor } as React.CSSProperties}
          <div className="w-[356px] h-[180px] rounded-t-lg relative overflow-hidden">
            <Layer4 color={mainColor} secondaryColor={secondaryColor} hovered={hovered} />
            <Layer3 color={mainColor} />
            <Layer2 color={mainColor} />
            <Layer1 color={mainColor} secondaryColor={secondaryColor} />
            <EllipseGradient color={mainColor} />
            <GridLayer color={gridColor} />
    interface LayerProps {
      color: string;
      secondaryColor?: string;
      hovered?: boolean;
    const GridLayer: React.FC<{ color: string }> = ({ color }) => {
      return (
          style={{ "--grid-color": color } as React.CSSProperties}
          className="absolute z-[4] inset-0 h-full w-full bg-transparent bg-[linear-gradient(to_right,var(--grid-color)_1px,transparent_1px),linear-gradient(to_bottom,var(--grid-color)_1px,transparent_1px)] bg-[size:20px_20px] pointer-events-none bg-center"
    const EllipseGradient: React.FC<{ color: string }> = ({ color }) => {
      return (
        <div className="w-full h-full z-[5] absolute inset-0 flex items-center justify-center">
          <svg width="356" height="196" viewBox="0 0 356 180" fill="none" xmlns="">
            <rect width="356" height="180" fill="url(#paint0_radial_12_207)" />
                gradientTransform="translate(178 98) rotate(90) scale(98 178)"
                <stop stopColor={color} stopOpacity="0.25" />
                <stop offset="0.34" stopColor={color} stopOpacity="0.15" />
                <stop offset="1" stopOpacity="0" />
    const Layer3: React.FC<{ color: string }> = ({ color }) => {
      return (
        <div className=" inset-0 absolute z-[6] translate-y-full opacity-0 group-hover/animated-card:translate-y-0 group-hover/animated-card:opacity-100 transition-all duration-500 ease-[cubic-bezier(0.6, 0.6, 0, 1)] flex items-center justify-center">
          <svg width="356" height="180" viewBox="0 0 356 180" fill="none" xmlns="">
            <rect width="356" height="180" fill="url(#paint0_linear_29_3)" />
              <linearGradient id="paint0_linear_29_3" x1="178" y1="0" x2="178" y2="180" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
                <stop offset="0.35" stopColor={color} stopOpacity="0" />
                <stop offset="1" stopColor={color} stopOpacity="0.3" />
    const Layer1: React.FC<LayerProps> = ({ color, secondaryColor }) => {
      return (
        <div className="absolute left-4 top-4 z-[8] flex items-center gap-1" style={{ "--color": color, "--secondary-color": secondaryColor } as React.CSSProperties}>
          <div className="rounded-full flex items-center dark:bg-black/25 bg-white/25 backdrop-blur-sm py-0.5 px-1.5 shrink-0 transition-opacity duration-300 ease-in-out group-hover/animated-card:opacity-0 border dark:border-zinc-800 border-zinc-200">
            <div className="h-1.5 w-1.5 bg-[var(--color)] rounded-full " />
            <span className="text-[10px] ml-1 dark:text-white text-black">+15,2%</span>
          <div className="rounded-full flex items-center py-0.5 px-1.5 shrink-0 transition-opacity duration-300 ease-in-out group-hover/animated-card:opacity-0 dark:bg-black/25 bg-white/25 backdrop-blur-sm border dark:border-zinc-800 border-zinc-200 ">
            <div className="h-1.5 w-1.5 bg-[var(--secondary-color)] rounded-full " />
            <span className="text-[10px] ml-1 dark:text-white text-black">+18,7%</span>
    const Layer2: React.FC<{ color: string }> = ({ color }) => {
      return (
        <div className="relative w-[356px] h-full group" style={{ "--color": color } as React.CSSProperties}>
          <div className="bg-transparent absolute inset-0 w-[356px] translate-y-full transition-transform duration-500 ease-[cubic-bezier(0.6, 0.6, 0, 1)] group-hover/animated-card:translate-y-0 z-[7] flex p-4 items-start justify-center">
            <div className="border dark:border-zinc-800 border-zinc-200 rounded-md p-1.5 backdrop-blur-sm opacity-0 transition-opacity duration-500 ease-[cubic-bezier(0.6, 0, 1)] group-hover/animated-card:opacity-100 dark:bg-black/25 bg-white/25">
              <div className="flex gap-2 items-center">
                <div className="h-2 w-2 bg-[var(--color)] rounded-full shrink-0" />
                <p className="dark:text-white text-black text-xs">Random Data Visualization</p>
              <p className="text-neutral-500 dark:text-neutral-400 text-xs">Displaying some interesting stats.</p>
    const Layer4: React.FC<LayerProps> = ({ color, secondaryColor, hovered }) => {
      const rectsData = [
        { width: 15, height: 20, y: 110, hoverHeight: 20, hoverY: 130, x: 40, fill: "currentColor", hoverFill: secondaryColor },
        { width: 15, height: 20, y: 90, hoverHeight: 20, hoverY: 130, x: 60, fill: color, hoverFill: color },
        { width: 15, height: 40, y: 70, hoverHeight: 30, hoverY: 120, x: 80, fill: color, hoverFill: color },
        { width: 15, height: 30, y: 80, hoverHeight: 50, hoverY: 100, x: 100, fill: color, hoverFill: color },
        { width: 15, height: 30, y: 110, hoverHeight: 40, hoverY: 110, x: 120, fill: "currentColor", hoverFill: secondaryColor },
        { width: 15, height: 50, y: 110, hoverHeight: 20, hoverY: 130, x: 140, fill: "currentColor", hoverFill: secondaryColor },
        { width: 15, height: 50, y: 60, hoverHeight: 30, hoverY: 120, x: 160, fill: color, hoverFill: color },
        { width: 15, height: 30, y: 80, hoverHeight: 20, hoverY: 130, x: 180, fill: color, hoverFill: color },
        { width: 15, height: 20, y: 110, hoverHeight: 40, hoverY: 110, x: 200, fill: "currentColor", hoverFill: secondaryColor },
        { width: 15, height: 40, y: 70, hoverHeight: 60, hoverY: 90, x: 220, fill: color, hoverFill: color },
        { width: 15, height: 30, y: 110, hoverHeight: 70, hoverY: 80, x: 240, fill: "currentColor", hoverFill: secondaryColor },
        { width: 15, height: 50, y: 110, hoverHeight: 50, hoverY: 100, x: 260, fill: "currentColor", hoverFill: secondaryColor },
        { width: 15, height: 20, y: 110, hoverHeight: 80, hoverY: 70, x: 280, fill: "currentColor", hoverFill: secondaryColor },
        { width: 15, height: 30, y: 80, hoverHeight: 90, hoverY: 60, x: 300, fill: color, hoverFill: color },
      return (
        <div className="w-[356px] h-[180px] absolute inset-0 flex items-center justify-center group-hover/animated-card:scale-150 transition-transform duration-500 ease-[cubic-bezier(0.6, 0.6, 0, 1)] z-[8] text-neutral-800/10 dark:text-white/15">
          <svg width="356" height="180" xmlns="">
            {, index) => (
                height={hovered ? rect.hoverHeight : rect.height}
                y={hovered ? rect.hoverY : rect.y}
                fill={hovered ? rect.hoverFill : rect.fill}
                className="transition-all duration-500 ease-[cubic-bezier(0.6, 0.6, 0, 1)]"


    animated-card props

    classNameStringAdditional custom classes for styling the component.-
    propsReact.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>Additional HTML attributes for the main div element.-

    visual-3 props

    mainColorStringMain color used for certain elements in the component."#8b5cf6"
    secondaryColorStringSecondary color used for other elements in the component."#fbbf24"
    gridColorStringGrid background color for the component."#80808025"


    • Many more cards are coming in the future. If you need a card for a specific theme, feel free to send me a request. If it's something that could benefit many people, I'll build it.


  1. This component is inspired by Wope