Infinite Ribbon

Infinite Ribbon

A dynamic and customizable sliding ribbon component that enhances UI experiences with smooth scrolling animations.

Build fast, responsive, and beautiful interfaces with ready-to-use components. Designed for developers who demand the best.Build fast, responsive, and beautiful interfaces with ready-to-use components. Designed for developers who demand the best.Build fast, responsive, and beautiful interfaces with ready-to-use components. Designed for developers who demand the best.Build fast, responsive, and beautiful interfaces with ready-to-use components. Designed for developers who demand the best.Build fast, responsive, and beautiful interfaces with ready-to-use components. Designed for developers who demand the best.
Build fast, responsive, and beautiful interfaces with ready-to-use components. Designed for developers who demand the best.Build fast, responsive, and beautiful interfaces with ready-to-use components. Designed for developers who demand the best.Build fast, responsive, and beautiful interfaces with ready-to-use components. Designed for developers who demand the best.Build fast, responsive, and beautiful interfaces with ready-to-use components. Designed for developers who demand the best.Build fast, responsive, and beautiful interfaces with ready-to-use components. Designed for developers who demand the best.
Build fast, responsive, and beautiful interfaces with ready-to-use components. Designed for developers who demand the best.Build fast, responsive, and beautiful interfaces with ready-to-use components. Designed for developers who demand the best.Build fast, responsive, and beautiful interfaces with ready-to-use components. Designed for developers who demand the best.Build fast, responsive, and beautiful interfaces with ready-to-use components. Designed for developers who demand the best.Build fast, responsive, and beautiful interfaces with ready-to-use components. Designed for developers who demand the best.
Build fast, responsive, and beautiful interfaces with ready-to-use components. Designed for developers who demand the best.Build fast, responsive, and beautiful interfaces with ready-to-use components. Designed for developers who demand the best.Build fast, responsive, and beautiful interfaces with ready-to-use components. Designed for developers who demand the best.Build fast, responsive, and beautiful interfaces with ready-to-use components. Designed for developers who demand the best.Build fast, responsive, and beautiful interfaces with ready-to-use components. Designed for developers who demand the best.


pnpm dlx shadcn@latest add to-setup


import { InfiniteRibbon } from "@/components/ui/infinite-ribbon";
  Build fast, responsive, and beautiful interfaces with ready-to-use components.
  Designed for developers who demand the best.


infinite-ribbon props.

repeatnumberNumber of times the content is repeated in the ribbon.5
durationnumberDuration of the animation in seconds.10
reversebooleanWhether the ribbon animation should play in reverse.false
rotationnumberRotation angle of the ribbon in degrees.0
childrenReact.ReactNodeThe content inside the ribbon.-
classNamestringAdditional custom classes for styling the ribbon.-
Image TrailPulse Shader